9720 South Roadway Realignment

9720 South Roadway Realignment


Sandy, Utah


Sandy City

WCG Projects: 9720 South Roadway Realignment

About This Project

This project included realigning the existing 9270 South to align with the State Street & Stadium Way intersection (Rio Tinto Stadium entrance). The project also incorporated a box culvert over the East Jordan Canal, roadway modeling on a new alignment, roadway vacating, drainage design, corridor lighting, water line system design, public involvement support, modifying the existing pedestrian signal to a full signalized intersection, and extensive ROW impacts including commercial and residential full-takes. Our team modeled multiple scenarios and worked closely with UDOT, Sandy City, East Jordan Canal, and other stakeholders to provide a design that met the needs of the various stakeholders while working within the challenging vertical design constraints.

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Tom Timmerman, PE

Sandy City Public Works

“WCG is an excellent team to work with. They exhibit an enthusiasm and willingness to go the extra mile to keep projects on track. We definitely recommend WCG and would gladly work with them again.”
“WCG is an excellent team to work with. They exhibit an enthusiasm and willingness to go the extra mile to keep projects on track. We definitely recommend WCG and would gladly work with them again.”