Porter Rockwell Boulevard Segment Four
Porter Rockwell Boulevard Segment Four
Bluffdale, Utah
UDOT Region 2
Bluffdale, Utah
UDOT Region 2
This 5-lane (future 7-lane), ¾-mile greenfield project is a critical corridor connecting communities in the city of Bluffdale. To the east, it connects to an existing 3-lane section (Segment 3). To the west, once a new multi-span bridge over the Jordan Narrows is constructed, it will connect to an existing 5-lane section (Segment 5). Design elements include topographical survey, ROW acquisition and temporary construction easements, geotechnical engineering (to determine the roadway pavement section and cut/fill slopes of a large 50-ft cut through Geneva Rock’s pit), and standard roadway design elements including roadway, new storm drain, 6-ft sidewalk, 10-ft asphalt multi-use trail, conduit and junction boxes for future street light poles and luminaires, and utility coordination (including relocating a Rocky Mountain Power lines 12” water line). Extensive roadway modeling minimized cut-and-fill earthwork quantities and helped tie into the adjacent segments’ topography.