WCG was retained to support UDOT in designing 22 construction packages to make improvements at UDOT Maintenance Stations and other UDOT facilities throughout the state. The scope of design focused on helping UDOT improve compliance with UDOT’s Municipal Separate Storm Sewer System (MS4) Permit requirements. The following tasks were included to complete the advertisement of the various design packages:
- Develop Base Mapping/Existing Surface and Right-of-Way
- Assess Existing Drainage Conditions and determine the best method of separating clean stormwater from polluted stormwater
- Provide options and assess the applicability of Low Impact Development (LID) Design for clean stormwater
- Present drainage alternatives or Best Management Practices (BMPs) for preventing stormwater pollution along with the preferred option for each maintenance station
- Develop site plans including necessary grading, storm drain, sanitary sewer connections, pond remediation, decant facilities for vactor waste and sweepings, wash rack relocation, or other BMPs
- Prepare structural calculations and structural drawings for retaining walls, vertical structures and wash racks.
- Determine the discharge or release method (storm drain outlet, evaporation, pumping, etc.) of permanent storm/waste water controls and size them to accommodate anticipated flows from equipment washing, vactor waste, and runoff from the 10-year, 24-hour, and a 100-year storm event; coordinating final pond size with the appropriate UDOT Region staff.
- Prepare/compile plans, specifications, as well as estimate and attend corresponding review meetings.